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"Manifest" is a television series that aired on NBC. It premiered in 2018 and concluded with its third season in 2021. The show was created by Jeff Rake and follows the story of the passengers of Montego Air Flight 828, which disappears for five and a half years but mysteriously reappears without any time having passed for those on board.

After the passengers' return, they discover that they possess unique abilities and experience various supernatural phenomena. They also find themselves connected to a larger mystery surrounding the flight's disappearance and their purpose upon returning.

The series primarily focuses on the Stone family, including siblings Michaela and Ben Stone, who become central characters in uncovering the truth behind the flight's disappearance and the ongoing repercussions. Throughout the seasons, they navigate personal relationships, unravel the mystery, and encounter conflicts with a government agency, religious groups, and other individuals affected by the event.

"Manifest" combines elements of mystery, drama, and science fiction, exploring themes of destiny, faith, and the interconnectedness of the characters' lives. It garnered a dedicated fan base during its run and generated speculation and theories among viewers.

It's worth noting that as an AI, my knowledge cutoff is in September 2021. Therefore, any recent developments or information about "Manifest," such as potential future seasons or a continuation of the story, may not be available to me. For the most up-to-date news, I recommend referring to official sources or checking with the show's producers or network.


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